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No „Voodoo“: Kinesiology Tape

Sonntag, Dezember 2nd, 2012

Ok… Maybe I am not really open minded for medicine without an active substance (like homeopathy or tapes without a gel).

Last week I went to the doctor with bad pain in the back. She decided to paste three tapes on my back and within hours the pain decreased. I always thought about the mighty medicine inside this tapes and today I found out that These tapes are really only tapes. Great „voodoo“!

My First Week with Windows 8

Dienstag, November 6th, 2012

The weekend after the official lunch of Windows 8, I decided to upgrade my (very) old DELL notebook (Inspiron 6400). The first thing I did was downloading the Upgrade Assistent: (english) (german)

Using the assistent makes the upgrade very easy. The only things you need is a credit card and a DVD (if you want to create an installation DVD). The assistant found two programs that were known to be not compatbile. But the assistant already knows that there were updates for these programs. Therefore I updated this software first and launched the assistend again. After answering the question what I would like to keep (nothing, settings or programs and settings), the assistant offers you a Windows 8 version (At the moment Windows 8 Pro for €29,99). You have to type in some personal information and you credit card number and you get your key. Than the assistant starts to download the binaries. At the end you can decide if you want to upgrade now, cretate a DVD image or a USB stick. A I decided to create a DVD… After the image is finished (and maybe burned on a DVD) you can start the upgrade with an icon on your desktop… Some times later… My old DELL needed more than an hour… The installation starts to ask you the first questions for the personal settings (e.g. colour scheme) and for your Windows Live ID. This is the ID Windows 8 needs for logging on to SkyDrive, Outlook (Hotmail) and xbox. My personal opininion is, that Windows 8 (for personal) use is senseless without connecting to the Microsoft cloud services.

I am not a gamer. I use my PC for mailing, writing, and browsing in the internet. For these things Windows 8 Comes with all I need (OK. I still have my Windows Live Mail for storing mails on my disc).

If you are missing the Media Center you should install it soon, because at the moment it is for free: (english) (german)

Like it or hate it: The new Modern UI
I found some posts in the internet about the new user Interface (formerly known as Metro), were the people wrote that they hate the new design, bad graphics and they would like to have the old start button back. I can not follow them! I like the new desing. It is simple and clear with interactions inside some tiles. This design is perfect for me at home. It shows all information and I can open fast my appps. At the left side you can switch between the open apps and at the right side you have an app-sensitve menu for seeking, sharing, devices (e.g. print on a printer) and settings. At the moment I have not a touchmonitor but even with the mouse I am able to use Windows 8 and the apps I need. And „old“ apps opens on the desktop that is now also in app.

I am starting to like Windows 8 …

The Cloud is dead

Sonntag, Juli 22nd, 2012

Two days ago there were two german online articles, who said that Microsoft searches for unwanted content on SkyDrive and disables the Live IDs without any warning.

The Microsoft Code of conduct has many rules fot the use of their services: (english) (german)

For public content it is OK. But for my private files that I do not share?

Pictures of your family at the beach? Forbidden! Pictures of Titians Venus of Urbino (1538)? Forbidden! Pictures of Michelangelos David? Forbidden!

„depicts nudity of any sort including full or partial human nudity or nudity in non-human forms such as cartoons, fantasy art or manga.“

Your CDs (MP3…) Better not!

„includes content that is protected by intellectual property laws, rights of privacy or publicity, or any other applicable law unless you own or control the rights thereto or have received all necessary consents.“

Pictures of a party? If you asked each person on the pictures…

My problem is not that it is not allowed to share special content with the whole world. That is OK. But it is also not allowed for my pesonal, private files or files that I share only with specific persons.

But the main topic is, that I am not able to trust a company that scans, analyzes and censors my files. And maybe delete my account. They offers me a disk in the cloud but my files are not safe, because they read them (maybe automatically) as often as they wants to do.

Therefore the cloud is dead and I am not sure at the moment if I will use Windows 8 or Windows Phone 8, because Microsoft will tell me to use the censored cloud.

Murder She Said

Donnerstag, Juli 19th, 2012

„Murder She Said“ is a title of a wonderful movie with Margaret Rutherford as Miss Marple.
But this title was in my mind when I read about the execution of Yokamon Hearn in Texas in the
United States of America.

„Murder I say“ is my personal opinion to this! Nothing more or less. Killing a mentally disabled
person who killed a person when he was nineteen is murder!

„18 and 19 and 20 year-olds are not considered responsible enough decision makers to drink legally,
yet they can be held fully responsible for their crimes and sentenced to the ultimate, irreversible
punishment of death.  On he one hand, we seek to protect our youth from their immaturity; on the
other we punish (and even kill) them for it.“
( )

And on Monday they will kill the next mentally disabled man in Georgia: Warren Lee Hill…
( / )

Why is there no chance for mercy? Because they are black?

Is this the humanity of a modern, civilized country?

Do you believe in meat?

Sonntag, Juli 15th, 2012

Ok, it happens also to me that I do not think about where my Burger comes from: From a former living creature. But if I think about this, I become thoughful… One one side this is the nature of this planet. Animals eating other animals. My cats will never be vegetarian. But the nature is not such cruel as the human. No lion put antelope into a dark barn, bedevil them and kill them. He hunts no more than he needs. The other antelopes lives free …

I do not think that I will become a vegetarian within the near future. But I do not need meat every week. Maybe once a month… If all people would limits eating meat, this would help a lot to stop intensive mass animal farming.

Meet your Meat (Part 1)  , Meet your Meat (Part 2)

Meet your Meat (German version/deutsche Ausgabe)

Surface. The new hero!

Dienstag, Juni 19th, 2012

Is this the new Apple-killer? I really hope so…


Next phase of testing

Freitag, Juni 1st, 2012

At the moment I download the ISO image of the Windows 8 Release Preview and then I will refresh my test client…

Windows 8 Release Preview

Who is the boss?

Mittwoch, April 25th, 2012

If you look into her eyes you know that YOU did something wrong! So, next steps: Check food, check toilet, check toys …


Mondaymorning on Tuesday…

Dienstag, April 10th, 2012

After the long Easter-weekend I am feeling a little bit tired today.



Donnerstag, April 5th, 2012

Googles vision how to integrate It services into the daily life… I like it.